chi siamo

Guido Quaroni
Guido started his adventure in computer graphics in 1990 working on Pongo, a non linear deformation tool running on the mighty Amiga. A few years later, Guido "graduated" to a more powerful machine, the NeXT computer where he wrote with a friend the modeling and animation application solidThinking. Among the "few" customers of solidThinking, an MIT student, who wrote his PhD dissertation using Guido's application, got a job at Pixar in 1995 and showed solidThinking to a few colleagues. Apparently the demo was a success and despite a "disastrous" interview during SIGGRAPH 1996, Guido landed a job at Pixar working on Toy Story 2. After a number of roles on memorable Pixar movies and 10 years as VP of R&D, Guido embarked into a new adventure at Adobe as Senior Director of Engineering for the 3D&Immersive team.

Paolo Emilio Selva
During his years at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Paolo had the opportunity to connect to Italians and International artists, organizing events about Computer Graphics in the very early 2000 ( Interfacce and 3DDay ). He started his VFX career in London at Jellyfish Pictures, and he then moved to New Zealand one year later to start working on James Cameron's Avatar at Weta Digital. He's been there since. Starting as Scientific Coder, Paolo has then been Head of Software Engineering and now Principal Engineering overlooking the development of the next lighting pipeline.

che cos'è
A series of events aimed at showcasing all the Italians that are contributing in various ways to the world of Computer Graphics: from films to videogames, as artists or students, in any sort of contribution.
It will expose young VFX companies, junior artists and students to a wider audience, together with CG-veterans sharing their stories.
You’ll be amazed by a whole-year of events.
Una serie di eventi mirati a presentare gli Italiani che stanno contribuendo in vari modi al mondo della Computer Grafica: dai film ai videogiochi, artisti e studenti.
Esporremo giovani compagnie di VFX, artisti alle prime armi e studenti ad un vasto pubblico, condividendo le loro storie insieme a quelle dei veterani della CG.
Verrai affascinato da un anno intero di eventi.


In this session, we’ll meet our guest in a 3-people conversation, and we’ll get carried away by their stories and career events, successes and obstacles
In questa sessione incontreremo il nostro ospite in una conversazione a 3 e saremo trasportati dalle loro storie, avventure, successi e ostacoli.
In this session, we’ll be amazed by two guests and their work in current productions: in films, shorts and videogames.
In questa sessione saremo ipnotizzati da due ospiti e i loro lavori in produzioni recenti: films, cortometraggi e videogiochi.



In the last session, we will talk about Research and Development in Computer graphics: the foundation of a lot of techniques we've seen in movies and games so far, or what we might see next.
In quest'ultima sessione verremo proiettati in quello che per molti potrebbe essere ancora fantascienza: la ricerca e sviluppo nella Computer Grafica. Fondamenta di quelle che oggi molte delle tecniche usate nelle produzioni di films o videogiochi, o che lo saranno.
prossima generazione
We’ll close the event presenting the Next Generation of Artists: students and artists will share their motivations and how they are approaching their first steps in the world of Computer Graphics.
Prima di chiudere l’evento, daremo spazio alla Prossima Generazione: studenti di Scuole di Computer Grafica di oggi e giovani artisti. Ascolteremo da molti di loro cosa li spinge ad intraprendere questo viaggio e come e’ possibile avventurarsi oggi nel mondo della Computer Grafica.

Join the Discord community here as spectator, all events in streaming will be mainly in Italian, and some bigger events will be held in English. When you log in to the server, you'll be able to just "watch". Keep an eye for announcements for next events!
Anyone can be a spectator!
A member is not just a spectator, it is an active contributor to the icg community, via presentations in events for example.
Main requirement: being Italian and working in the world of CG.
Join the Discord server, be endorsed by other members and begin to be proactive in the icg community.
All members will appear in the icg-map:
Tieni d'occhio i tuoi social, ci faremo sentire presto, o contatta Paolo Emilio Selva tramite Discord.